Globalisation is predicted to encourage universities in developing
countries to invest heavily in the use of media and technology within open and
flexible learning systems. Many universities around the world have not yet
realised the potential of e-learning or experimented with how it might
effectively be employed in teaching. Lack of technical and pedagogical
readiness to support e-learning and low levels of readiness to experiment with
new methods often perpetuate this situation (Fergusson et al., 2005).
In Egypt ,
there is growing interest in using modern technologies to deliver instruction
and facilitate the process of teaching and learning. E-learning is being more
rapidly adopted by many universities and is destined to become a larger part of
the educational experience of students in years to come. South Valley
University, for example, has made significant investments in its IT
infrastructure over the last three years and is undergoing change to introduce
and develop e-learning and using programmes of faculty development to support
this process.
However, research has shown that adopting e-learning represents one of
the major problems in faculty development plans at many universities (Shephard
et al, 2004). The lack of knowledge and skills and the negative attitudes
toward the use of technology are the main reasons faculty resist using
e-learning materials in university teaching (Haynes et al., 2004). The proper
use of technology in university teaching depends on such variables such as
years of teaching experience, level of computer literacy, degree held, academic
profession and training received (Kotrlik et al., 2000)