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Showing posts from 2010

RealShow 1.0: Bring your PowerPoint Slides into Life MS PowerPoint ® is the leading presentation software used in business and education for more than twenty years. It has become the dominant presentation tool in our professional and educational world, usually with the intention of creating audio-visual presentations. The ease of use of PowerPoint ® can save time and encourage presenters who otherwise would have used other types of whiteboards or overhead projections, resulting in billions of PowerPoint ® files made each year. However, although billions of PowerPoint documents are available and can support learning effectively, they are no substitute for the in-depth information and guidance a presenter should deliver. If audience members are not seeing or listening to the presenter, then reading the slides in isolation will be less valuable. However, it may not be possible for an instructor, stu...

RealShow Student Presentation

This class presentation was created using RealShow 1.0. RealShow is a smart solution for recording your PowerPoint tutorials. It helps presenters record and produce presentations with their video narration on the same screen. Using RealShow the presenter can guide audience through slides and provide them with the feeling of the actual lecture. Presenters can use this tool to record classroom presentations so distance students can see quality slides and fell the presence of the lecturer.

سنوات فى عمان - محمد عصمت - جريدة الشروق

أعادنى معرض الصور العمانية الذى تستضيفه دار الأوبرا هذه الأيام، إلى ذكريات 3 سنوات قضيتها فى سلطنة عمان، كنت أشعر خلالها مثلى مثل كل المصريين أو الأجانب من الذين عملوا بالسلطنة أن «البيت بيتنا» وأننا شركاء فى هذا البلد الجميل ولسنا مجرد ضيوف، وهو «إحساس» يحرص العمانيون على أن يشعر به كل من يقيم بينهم.. وهذا ما اكتشفته خلال عملى بجريدة الشبيبة مع زملاء من السودان والأردن وسوريا والهند وباكستان وإيران وبنجلاديش وسيريلانكا بقية المقال

Interaction in Distance Education Programs

Search for one of the universities/institutes that provide distance education courses/programs, then: Find information about the course/program (from the university/institute web site), including: regulations, policy, support, materials, interaction, costs, etc. Find more info about types and importance of interaction supported in this course/program. Describe the technology used by the university/institute and students (e.g., printed materials, email, audio/video conferencing…) that support type(s) of interaction, as mentioned in lecture 2. Include your findings in a clear, comprehensive and organized personal message to a distance education seeker (up-to 500 words), and post it to your blog, with links to the institute and resources. Post your message to your own blog then leave a comment at the bottom of this page with direct link to your message.

Reflections on the meaning of distance education

Designing instruction for distance education (DE) requires understanding the meaning of distance education and its objectives, the stages that distance education passed through, the media and their characteristics, and the main issues in distance education. The importance of defining the meaning of distance education is that it may provide a good starting point to recognize its elements. In this post, I need my students to investigate the earlier and recent definitions of DE, think and reflect on different definitions, and post their points of view to this post. First, sign-in with your Gmail account.

How to embed a Google document in your blog

This example shows how to embed a Google document (PPT or DOC) in your blog. First, open your document in Google Documents, click on "Share" menu button, then select "Publish/embed". Copy and paste the HTML code in your blog editor. PowerPoint Presentation Word Document

Current Research

The effectiveness of classroom-based supplementary video presentations in supporting emergent literacy development in early childhood education This study investigates the impact of supplementary video presentations in supporting young children’s emergent literacy development. Videos are produced by teachers using prototype software developed specifically for the purpose of this study. The software obtains media content from a variety of resources and devices, including webcam, microphone, PowerPoint slides, drawing board, and typing board in a simplified manner. Videos are supplemented to children who were identified as at risk to be viewed at home individually or with their parents. Participants are teachers and children in a full-day kindergarten in Sultanate of Oman. Teacher Rating of Oral Language and Literacy (TROLL) scale and parents’ interview were administered to measure literacy skills and development of children in early childhood classrooms and understand children’s r...


HTML clipboard Sadik, A. (2010) . An integrated Web 2.0 portfolio model for university students. In progress Sadik, A. (2010). The development and usability evaluation of a standards-based gradebook for faculty. submitted for publicatiuon Abstract The use of standard-based grading and reporting tools is essential to ensure that faculty assessment meets acceptable levels of quality and standardization. This study reports the design, development and evaluation of a standards-based gradebook (RealGrade) for the faculty at Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman. The rapid applications development model (RAD) was implemented to develop early versions of the gradebook. The Gradebook Usability Questionnaire (GUQ) and a series of individual interviews were used to measure participants’ reactions toward the usability of the gradebook and determine the extent to which the prototype is usable. The results revealed that participants found the grade...


Sadik, A. (2013). The Societal Acceptance of Online Degrees in the Arab World: Evidence from Two Countries. Paper presented at the 3 rd International Conference in e-Learning and Distance Education. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 4-7 February. Sadik, A. (2012).  Flipping Teaching with PresentationTube. Paper presented at the 6 th International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention, Selangor, Malaysia, 29-31 October. Sadik, A.  (2012) The development and evaluation of a network for producing and sharing pre-recorded video presentations, paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman,4-7 November. Sadik, A. & Badr, K. (2012). The effectiveness of classroom-based supplementary video presentations in supporting emergent literacy development in early childhood education, i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 5(3), 21-34. Sadik, A. (2011). The development an...


* Watch high definition ATSC digital TV or analog cable TV on your PC or laptop screen! ATSC HD is the over-the-air high definition TV standard for North America. * No need to open your PC: just plug into your USB 2.0 port. * Includes Hauppauge's WinTV application to watch and record TV in a window or full screen. With WinTV-Scheduler, so you can record your favorite TV programs daily, weekly or once only. * Digital ATSC over-the-air TV tuner built-in. A portable digital TV antenna is included, and can be used to receive digital TV up to 10 miles from a ATSC transmitter. Record ATSC digital TV programs to your PC's hard disk using high quality MPEG-2. TV recordings will typically consume 5 Gigabytes of disk space per hour for ATSC high definition. * Clear QAM digital TV tuner built-in. Watch, pause and record clear QAM cable TV channels. * Record analog TV shows to your PC's hard disk using our SoftPVR™ MPEG-2 encoder. Analog TV recordings will typically consume 1.5 Gigaby...

The Development and Usability Evaluation of a Standards-Based Gradebook for Faculty

HTML clipboard The use of standard-based grading and reporting tools is essential to ensure that faculty assessment meets acceptable levels of quality and standardization. This study reports the design, development and evaluation of a standards-based gradebook (RealGrade) for the faculty at Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman. The rapid applications development model (RAD) was implemented to develop early versions of the gradebook. The Gradebook Usability Questionnaire (GUQ) and a series of individual interviews were used to measure participants’ reactions toward the usability of the gradebook and determine the extent to which the prototype is usable. The results revealed that participants found the gradebook effective and efficient in facilitating the process of standards-based grading and communicating grades with students at the University. In addition, they favored the design, flexibility and ease of use of the gradebook. Further examinations o...


All of the built-in apps on iPad were designed from the ground up to take advantage of the large Multi-Touch screen and advanced capabilities of iPad. And they work in any orientation. So you can do things with these apps that you can’t do on any other device.

Windows 7 grows faster than Vista

After the sheer horror that was Vista, Microsoft looks to have got things back on track, with Windows 7’s strong 2009 holiday season sales being reflected in a growing OS market share. The operating system now has a bigger overall market share than all the tracked Apple OS X versions (10.4, 10.5 and 10.6), even if the total Windows market share dropped 0.31 percentage points (from 92.52 percent to 92.21 percent) between November and December 2009 . The Mac OS also saw a slight reduction in market share of 0.01 percentage points (from 5.12 percent to 5.11 percent) while Linux was the only OS to show growth, shimmying forward 0.02 percentage points (from 1.00 percent to 1.02 percent). Wirefresh

RealGrade 5.0

RealGrade 5.0 is a full-featured grading application designed by a university instructor to help faculty score, grade and report students' academic activates and exams quickly and efficiently based on the University grading scale. RealGrade 5.0 automates the tasks involved in documenting, managing, calculating and reporting grades, and provides a number of functions to produce attendance reports and course statistics useful in evaluating student performance and communicating results to students and administrators more effectively. As universities are moving toward the electronic and digital era with success, RealGrade 5.0 gives instructors the ability to spend more time planning instruction and less time having to do the time-consuming and traditional accounting work required when figuring scores and grades. Moreover, RealGrade 5.0 has the ability to produce standard and professional-looking print-outs with ease for the whole class or indiv...

إبسون تطلق أجهزة عرض ضوئي ذات الإسقاط القصير المدى لدعم التعليم بالشرق الأوسط

أعلنت إبسون، الشركة العالمية المتخصصة في مجال إنتاج أجهزة العرض الضوئي، عن إطلاقها مؤخرا مجموعتها الأولى من أجهزة العرض الضوئي ذات الإسقاط القصير المدى والمصممة لتلبية الطلب المتنامي على أجهزة تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات سهلة الاستخدام في القاعات الدراسية. وتعد الطرز الجديدة مثالية للاستخدام مع ألواح الكتابة التفاعلية أو العادية، على اعتبار أن مسافة الإسقاط قصير المدى تقلل بشكل كبير من الوهج وتداخل الظل. ونقل بيان صحفي وزعت إبسون نسخة منه في القاهرة عن خليل الدلو مدير عام شركة إبسون الشرق الأوسط. إن قطاع التعليم والتدريب برز بوصفه سوقا مهما لنمو منتجات الشركة، خاصة في ضوء الاتجاه المتنامي في الشرق الأوسط، مع قيام القطاعين العام والخاص بشكل متزايد بتنفيذ استثمارات ضخمة في مختلف البرامج التعليمية والتدريبية. وأضاف الدلو أن التكنولوجيا لعبت دورا هاما في تعزيز أثر التعليم والتدريب في المنطقة، وعلى ضوء ذلك تم تصميم المجموعة الجديدة من أجهزة العرض الضوئي ذات الإسقاط القصير جدا وتجهيزها بالكامل بمزايا متطورة تعمل على تعزيز عملية التعلم وتشجع على مزيد من المشاركة والتفاعل في القاعات الدراسي...

TECH4101 DE & the Internet: Student's Portfolio

This course is designed for ILT students and focuses on the design, development, management and evaluation of distance education programs. This practical course balances fact, theory and application as it examines the advantages of telecommunications (e-mail, WWW...) in distance education. It presents theories and models relating to distance education and discusses strategies for using it, demonstrates practical applications and closes with a discussion of the value of web-based distance education. Portfolio Each group/student should develop a Web-based portfolio of one-single page (see attached template) with links to portfolio components, as shown in the table and figure below. You should upload your portfolio to by the end of "week 14". Late portfolios will lose 5% of the final grade for each day late, including weekends. A student who is found using materials or tools produced by others improperly will be penalized. More information will be provided in we...