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* Watch high definition ATSC digital TV or analog cable TV on your PC or laptop screen! ATSC HD is the over-the-air high definition TV standard for North America.
* No need to open your PC: just plug into your USB 2.0 port.
* Includes Hauppauge's WinTV application to watch and record TV in a window or full screen. With WinTV-Scheduler, so you can record your favorite TV programs daily, weekly or once only.
* Digital ATSC over-the-air TV tuner built-in. A portable digital TV antenna is included, and can be used to receive digital TV up to 10 miles from a ATSC transmitter. Record ATSC digital TV programs to your PC's hard disk using high quality MPEG-2. TV recordings will typically consume 5 Gigabytes of disk space per hour for ATSC high definition.
* Clear QAM digital TV tuner built-in. Watch, pause and record clear QAM cable TV channels.
* Record analog TV shows to your PC's hard disk using our SoftPVR™ MPEG-2 encoder. Analog TV recordings will typically consume 1.5 Gigabytes of disk space per hour.
* Media Center compatible. Watch and recording TV with Microsoft’s Windows Media Center.

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