This course is designed for ILT students and focuses on the design, development, management and evaluation of distance education programs. This practical course balances fact, theory and application as it examines the advantages of telecommunications (e-mail, WWW...) in distance education. It presents theories and models relating to distance education and discusses strategies for using it, demonstrates practical applications and closes with a discussion of the value of web-based distance education.
Each group/student should develop a Web-based portfolio of one-single page (see attached template) with links to portfolio components, as shown in the table and figure below.
Students' Portfolios
1. http://asmaabayan.webs.com/portfolio.htm
2. http://83133-83267.webs.com/portfolio.htm
3. http://digitallearn.webs.com/portfolio.htm
4. http://murtadha.webs.com/index.htm
5. http://innovativest.webs.com/index.htm
6. http://abualsalt88.webs.com/index.htm
7. http://khalidandsaif.webs.com/portfolio.htm
8. http://alwardi1988.webs.com/final%20portfolio.htm
9. http://u082924.webs.com/portfolio.htm
10. http://u082910.webs.com/TECH4101 (Needs IE)