MS PowerPoint® is the leading presentation software used in business and education for more than twenty years. It has become the dominant presentation tool in our professional and educational world, usually with the intention of creating audio-visual presentations. The ease of use of PowerPoint® can save time and encourage presenters who otherwise would have used other types of whiteboards or overhead projections, resulting in billions of PowerPoint® files made each year.
However, although billions of PowerPoint documents are available and can support learning effectively, they are no substitute for the in-depth information and guidance a presenter should deliver. If audience members are not seeing or listening to the presenter, then reading the slides in isolation will be less valuable. However, it may not be possible for an instructor, student, conference participant, social worker, statistician, surveyor, financial analyst, manager or sales man to be there live or physically present at an event. So the next best option is to use RealShow® to convert slides to video format with the presenter's actual presence and audio-visual guidance which can be shown in any media player. The user does not need PowerPoint installed to view the presentation. You can easily make presentation available via the Internet or even upload video to YouTube and blogs.
RealShow® was designed to help education and business presenters apply principles for the design of multimedia materials and human cognitive processing in delivering their PowerPoint slides. RealShow® takes advantage of the dual-channel structure of the human information processing system by means of text, pictures and audio. It can promote active cognitive processing by allowing the presenter to guide the processes of selecting, organizing, and integrating information. The presenter can elaborate and expand verbally and visually on their slides and help the audience to understand the whole concept, and not just the key points. RealShow® offers more than slides because it gives visual aids and fosters human contact between the presenter and the audience. The presenter can clearly identify the main points and communicate in a way that will have the desired impact on the audience through texts, illustrations, slides, and visual presence of the presenter.
For more information, please contact Dr. Alaa Sadik.