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Showing posts from 2011

Technical Information

Version Version 1.8.3 NEW, June 16th, 2011 First release December 25th, 2010 OS All versions of MS Windows. Windows 7 is recommended. File size: 7.0 MB Download Standard Windows-style setup wizard with uninstall capability. Supported output formats WMV (different formats), AVI, FLV, SWF Requirements Software MS PowerPoint ® 2000/03/07/10 DirectX ® 9.0 (if not installed) K-Lite Codec Pack (for better encoding) Hardware USB Webcam and microphone License Freeware for "personal and educational" use only. Using RealShow in a company or other similar scenarios is classified as commercial use and requires a commercial license. The freeware version of RealShow has no limitation on features compared to the purchased version. The only differentiation between the two versions is little caption of RealShow. To buy the full version please use your credit card or PayPal account.

RealShow: Produce and Share Accessible Video Content for All

  Technical Information | Download | Quick Start Guide | Submit Your Video | Video Content | Facebook Comments |Review | Track Version | Antivirus Scan | News  RealShow is a research-based project. It provides a free software and video sharing network to facilitate the process of producing and sharing quality and accessible video content for learners in developing regions, particularly in the Arab World. Although producing video tutorials for learners is not a new idea, few simple and efficient solutions have been applied to help educators prepare accessible video and flash content, particularly for those who are deaf or tend to be visual. The software provides a simple technique to integrate popular PowerPoint slides, freehand drawings, text typing, web pages, and direct teacher’s video view in one single window. It allows teachers create video and flash content using several translation techniques, including facial expressions, natur...

RealShow: A new way for producing and communicating virtual conference presentations

Microsoft PowerPoint is the leading presentation software used in our professional and educational world for years. It is easy-to-use, flexible, popular, and cost-effective, and allows presenters to create digital multimedia content quickly and efficiently. However, PowerPoint is recognized as a presenter-oriented tool and slides are not substitute for the in-depth information and guidance a presenter should deliver. If the audience are not seeing or listening to the presenter, then reading the slides in isolation will be less valuable. In addition, PowerPoint is not an interactive medium and requires the use of additional supportive technology, such as a whiteboard or flipchart, to engage the audience. At the same time, video is demonstrated to be an expanding channel for communicating ideas. It is socially acceptable and therefore it can be a powerful link between the presenter and the audience. Teachers and presenters usually record their presentations for class revision, knowledge...

Arab eContent Award

RealShow has received the Arab eContent Award 2011, Kingdom of Bahrain. Photo: With Prof. Peter Bruck, Arab eContent Award, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Bahrain.

في راديو مونت كارلو RealA2V لقاء عن برنامج

Record and share accessible video presentations and tutorials View more presentations from Alaa Sadik

Convert and Share Your Audios via YouTube and Facebook

Have you been thinking about sharing your interview, lecture, classroom, or radio audio records, or even MP3 files on YouTube or Facebook? If your answer is yes, then you may need to use a video editing software (such as, Windows Movie Maker) or multimedia tool (such as MS PhotoStory 3.0) to combine audio with video or still pictures, which is time consuming and require adjusting and timing skills. RealA2V 1.0 uses a smart technique to combine audio source track with one single picture and convert them to one video file, ready for uploading and sharing on YouTube or Facebook. RealA2V:

ترشيح أكاديمي من جامعة السلطان قابوس لجائزة عالمية

Oman Daily Newspaper Tuesday March 29th RealShow has been nominated for the World Summit Award Global Contest by Information Technology Authority in Oman as the best e-Content example in e-Inclusion & Participation .

RealShow: Record and share accessible video presentations and tutorials for all

بالرغم من أن تسجيل أو إعداد عروض الفيديو للطلاب بالمدارس و الجامعات ليس أمراً جديداً، فإن هناك عدداً محدوداً جداً من التطبيقات التي تساعد الأساتذة علي إعداد عروض فيديو تعليمية جذابة و شيقة بسهولة و في وقت قصير جداً. يعمل البرنامج علي مساعدة المعلمين علي تسجيل عروضهم عن طريق دمج محتوى شرائح البوربوينت المعدة مسبقاً، مع ما يؤدونه من رسوم و أشكال توضيحية، و كتابة نصية مباشرة علي الشاسة، و كذلك صوت و صورة المعلم في نافذة واحدة. يساعد الفيديو الذي ينتجه البرنامج المتعلمين علي مشاهدة المعلم مباشرة اثناء العرض و هو يعلق صوتيا، أو يكتب، أو يرسم أمامهم علي الشاشة، أو ينتقل من شريحة إلي أخرى، أو يستعرض أحد مواقع الإنترنت. يمكن للمعلم بعد ذلك أن يضيف الفيديو إلي مقرره الإلكتروني أو موقع اليوتيوب، أو يتبادل ملف الفيديو مع الطلاب عبر أجهزتهم المحمولة. من أهم تطبيقات البرنامج استخدامه لإعداد الفيديو للطلاب المعاقين سمعيا أو ممن يعانون اضطراباً في الإدراك السمعي و يفضلون المواد البصرية. Although recording classroom presentations and tutorials for ordinary learners is not a new idea, little effort ...

Courseware Evaluation

Develop a questionnaire to collect data about teachers' or students' perceptions, views, or reactions toward one or more of the technical or pedagogical aspects of an instructional software (e.g., application, tutorial, drill & practice, multimedia, games, etc.). Provide a brief description of the software, including purpose and audience then post your assignment to Bolgger, with link to the questionnaire. Leave your comment in this page with a link to your post.