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2009 Mobile Learning Conference


I am currently responsible for managing the implementation of the 2009 Mobile Learning Conference in Washington, DC on February 16-17, 2009 at the Capitol Hilton as part of the grant provided by Qualcomm for Project K-Nect and co-sponsored by the Cellular Industry Association. The goals of the conference include the following:
1. Promote the development of mobile learning
2. Foster new innovative practices in mobile learning
3. Address key concerns of policy makers and educators regarding mobile technologies
4. Stimulate a critical debate on theories, approaches, principles and applications of mobile learning
5. Share local and international developments, experiences and lessons learned
6. Promote collaborative efforts between the public and private sectors in mobile learning
7. Encourage the study and implementation of mobile applications in teaching and learning
Please visit the following url for a detailed overview of the conference<>. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me anytime. I hope you and your colleagues are able to attend.

Ma Salem,

Shawn Gross
Executive Director
2009 Mobile Learning Conference<>

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