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Showing posts from May, 2014

Latest Newsletter: PresentationTube Recorder Ver.3.10

Web Version   |   Update preferences   |   Unsubscribe Like Tweet Forward PresentationTube Recorder Ver.3.10 We are very pleased to announce the release of the new PresentationTube Recorder version 3.10 with major updates in the Recorder and the online video sharing platform. New features include:  - New widescreen video recording output (16:9). - New VPT video format for uploading & sharing video presentations via PresentationTube.  - Enhanced slides & audio synchronization. - Desktop activity recording fumction. - Supporting unlimited number of webcams. - Integrated web browser with zooming in/out capability. New Interface Download version 3.10 for free You're receiving this because your registered with PresentationTube Network Edit your subscription  |  Unsubscribe

PresentationTube Recorder Ver. 3.10 has been released

PresentationTube Recorder is a simple tool designed to help instructors, students and business professionals record their presentations from the comfort of home or office, and without the need to have Internet connection while recording. The Recorder synchronizes a variety of visual aids including PowerPoint slides, Webcam streaming, whiteboard, drawing board, Web browser content, Desktop recording . With visual aids, like the drawing board, presenters can draw lines, curves, graphs, and shapes on the screen to emphasize or clarify their ideas, so the demonstration can be clearer. The whiteboard helps presenters to type text while presenting using the keyboard making it an ideal tool to add more details, or explain equations using words, numbers, and symbols. The new version 3.10 has been released. Download now for free.

Recording and Sharing Online Video Presentations

Presentation tools are increasing in popularity and providing powerful tools for creation of instructional materials and accessible information in audio-visual formats. When used appropriately, these tools can support and extend traditional presentations in valuable ways. In lecture settings, Microsoft PowerPoint, for example, has become the dominant presentation tool because it is both readily available and easy-to-use by instructors (Grabe & Grabe 2007). It allows instructors to create and manipulate presentations in a wide variety of contexts that can enhance students’ interests and engagement (Mills & Roblyer, 2006).Presentation tools help instructors clearly identify the main points of a topic or activity while still providing the details through presentation (Loisel & Galer, 2004). Instructors can incorporate multiple types of media formats (e.g., diagram, photo, drawing, sound, animation, video, etc.) that cannot be easily integrated together into one single medium...

Lectures aren't just boring, they're ineffective, too

Are your lectures droning on? Change it up every 10 minutes with more active teaching techniques and more students will succeed, researchers say. A new study finds that undergraduate students in classes with traditional stand-and-deliver lectures are 1.5 times more likely to fail than students in classes that use more stimulating, so-called active learning methods. “Universities were founded in Western Europe in 1050 and lecturing has been the predominant form of teaching ever since,” says biologist Scott Freeman of the University of Washington, Seattle. But many scholars have challenged the “sage on a stage” approach to teaching science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses, arguing that engaging students with questions or group activities is more effective. Source: