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سجل و شارك أول عروضك لتحصل علي تابلت 3 من سامسونج

يبدأ موقع برزنتيشن تيوب مبادرة إنتاج و مشاركة عروض الفيديو التقديمية باللغة العربية لجميع المعلمين و الطلاب و أصحاب الأعمال في العالم العربي . سجل عرض فيديو من 10-15 دقيقة باستخدام برزنتيشن تيوب لأي مرحلة دراسية و في أي موضوع تعليمي و قم بتحميله علي الموقع لتحصل علي تابلت 3 من سامسونج في حال قبول عرضك .  كل ما عليك عمله هو تنزيل برنامج تسجيل العروض علي جهازك، تسجيل العرض، ثم رفع الفيديو علي الموقع شروط عامة و معايير العرض -  يجب إلا يقل زمن العرض عن 5 (خمس) دقائق ولا يزيد عن 15 (خمسة عشر) دقيقة . -  يجب ان يكون عرض البوربوينت من إعداد مقدم العرض و أن تراعى جميع حقوق الملكية الفكرية للمحتوى و النص و الصور . -  مكن التقدم بأي عدد من العروض علي أن يكون المشارك عضو هيئة تدريس في أحد الجامعات أو معلم مؤهل و يعمل في أحد المدارس الحكومية أو الخاصة . -  أن يتفق العرض و شروط الاستخدام (Terms of Use) في الموقع . -  يجب دمج أكثر من طريقة لعرض المحتوى أثناء العرض مثل صورة فيديو العارص، عرض شرائح البوربوينت، الكتابة، الرسم . ...

Upload your first video presentation and receive $50 cash

PresentationTube offers a desktop presentation recorder and video sharing platform to help teachers, students and business professionals easily produce and share professional and quality video presentations. The recorder allows presenters to narrate and annotate PowerPoint slides and synchronize a variety of essential visual aids, including webcam footage, whiteboard, drawing board, and web browser. The platform integrates the recorded video and scrollable slide thumbnails, allowing the audience to move to the respective video content and control both the time and progress of video presentation. Rules  1. Contest is open to all individuals age 16 years or older who are students, teachers, faculty members or business professionals. 2. A participant can be named as an individual a maximum of once. Individual participants are eligible to be recognized more than once. 3. Each entry must meet the requirements as specified in Terms of Use. 4. Any nonconforming entries wil...

PresentationTube: Bring Your Presentations to Life


PresentationTube: A New Way for Producing & Sharing Video Presentations EdTechReview Read... New Non-Profit Project PresentationTube Allows Teachers and Students to Produce and Share Video Presentations Online Reuters Read... Presentation recorder and video sharing network MustSeeOn.Net Read... New Video Site Provides Free Presentation Capture and Delivery to Educators THE Journal Read... New Non-Profit Project PresentationTube Allows Teachers and Students to Produce and Share Video Presentations Online PR Newswire Read... PresentationTube network for producing and sharing video presentations has been launched PRweb Read... PresentationTube network for producing and sharing video presentations has been launched Yahoo News Read... PresentationTube From Dr. Alaa Sadik Revamps Presentations To Fit The Modern Age KillerStartups Read... PresentationTube Network has been launched Online PR Media Read... ...

Latest Newsletter: PresentationTube Recorder Ver.3.10

Web Version   |   Update preferences   |   Unsubscribe Like Tweet Forward PresentationTube Recorder Ver.3.10 We are very pleased to announce the release of the new PresentationTube Recorder version 3.10 with major updates in the Recorder and the online video sharing platform. New features include:  - New widescreen video recording output (16:9). - New VPT video format for uploading & sharing video presentations via PresentationTube.  - Enhanced slides & audio synchronization. - Desktop activity recording fumction. - Supporting unlimited number of webcams. - Integrated web browser with zooming in/out capability. New Interface Download version 3.10 for free You're receiving this because your registered with PresentationTube Network Edit your subscription  |  Unsubscribe

PresentationTube Recorder Ver. 3.10 has been released

PresentationTube Recorder is a simple tool designed to help instructors, students and business professionals record their presentations from the comfort of home or office, and without the need to have Internet connection while recording. The Recorder synchronizes a variety of visual aids including PowerPoint slides, Webcam streaming, whiteboard, drawing board, Web browser content, Desktop recording . With visual aids, like the drawing board, presenters can draw lines, curves, graphs, and shapes on the screen to emphasize or clarify their ideas, so the demonstration can be clearer. The whiteboard helps presenters to type text while presenting using the keyboard making it an ideal tool to add more details, or explain equations using words, numbers, and symbols. The new version 3.10 has been released. Download now for free.

Recording and Sharing Online Video Presentations

Presentation tools are increasing in popularity and providing powerful tools for creation of instructional materials and accessible information in audio-visual formats. When used appropriately, these tools can support and extend traditional presentations in valuable ways. In lecture settings, Microsoft PowerPoint, for example, has become the dominant presentation tool because it is both readily available and easy-to-use by instructors (Grabe & Grabe 2007). It allows instructors to create and manipulate presentations in a wide variety of contexts that can enhance students’ interests and engagement (Mills & Roblyer, 2006).Presentation tools help instructors clearly identify the main points of a topic or activity while still providing the details through presentation (Loisel & Galer, 2004). Instructors can incorporate multiple types of media formats (e.g., diagram, photo, drawing, sound, animation, video, etc.) that cannot be easily integrated together into one single medium...

Lectures aren't just boring, they're ineffective, too

Are your lectures droning on? Change it up every 10 minutes with more active teaching techniques and more students will succeed, researchers say. A new study finds that undergraduate students in classes with traditional stand-and-deliver lectures are 1.5 times more likely to fail than students in classes that use more stimulating, so-called active learning methods. “Universities were founded in Western Europe in 1050 and lecturing has been the predominant form of teaching ever since,” says biologist Scott Freeman of the University of Washington, Seattle. But many scholars have challenged the “sage on a stage” approach to teaching science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses, arguing that engaging students with questions or group activities is more effective. Source:

Version 3.0 has been released

We are very pleased to let you know that we just released version 3.0 of PresentationTube Recorder. Now you can record and share widescreen 16:9 video presentations, capture desktop activities, and much more. PresentationTube Recorder is a simple tool designed to help instructors, students and business professionals record their PowerPoint presentations from the comfort of home or office, and without the need to have Internet connection while recording. The Recorder synchronizes presenter's audio and video, PowerPoint slides, drawings, handwritten words and generate videos ready for uploading to PresentationTube network. With visual aids, like the drawing board, presenters can draw lines, curves, graphs, and shapes on the screen to emphasize or clarify their ideas, so the demonstration can be clearer. The whiteboard helps presenters to type text while presenting using the keyboard making it an ideal tool to add more details, or explain equations using words, numbers, and symbol...

The Development and Evaluation of a Network for Producing and Sharing Video Presentations

Abstract This paper describes the technology and methodology used in the development and usability evaluation of a network, named PresentationTube, to help faculty members at Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman, produce and share quality video presentations for their students. The network offers a desktop application for recording video presentations and an online platform to share presentations online. The recorder allows faculty members to narrate and annotate PowerPoint slides and synchronize a variety of visual aids, including webcam footage, whiteboard, drawing board, and web browser. The platform uses YouTube API to upload and integrate videos with scrollable slide thumbnails. Quantitative and qualitative techniques including, quality of video presentation rubric, usability questionnaire, instructors’ interview and students’ perspectives to video presentations questionnaire were implemented to collect data and report on the usability of the network and effectivenes...

دمج برزنتيشن تيوب مع يوتيوب كمنصة تفاعلية لرفع و مشاهدة و مشاركة عروض الفيديو التقديمية

بعد ما يقرب من عام علي تطوير و إطلاق شبكة برزنتيشن تيوب لتسجيل و مشاركة عروض الفيديو التقديمية، و التي تم  تطويرها في جامعة السطان قابوس بسلطنة عمان تحت إشراف الدكتور علاء صادق، أستاذ تكنولوجيا التعليم بقسم تكنولوجيا التعليم و التعلم، تم اليوم رسمياً دمج الموقع كمنصة تفاعلية لرفع و مشاهدة و مشاركة عروض الفيديو التقديمية عبر موقع يوتيوب الشهير باستخدام واجهة برمجة التطبيقات (API). تمثل هذه الخطوة تطور تقني و اقتصادي هام للموقع بعد زيادة عدد مستخدمي و مطوري العروض في الموقع بشكل كبير و ازديادة تكلفة استضافة و بث عروض الفيديو وكذلك للإستفادة من الخدمات المتميزة في استضافة و بث أفلام الفيديو عبر تقنيات يوتيوب المتطورة و المجانية. يتميز هذا الدمج بإتاحة الفرصة للمستخدمين بتسجيل عروضهم باستخدام التطبيق المجاني الذي يقدمه الموقع و رفع ملفاتهم مباشرة إلي يوتيوب عبر منصة برزنتيشن تيوب و الإستفادة من الطريقة المبتكرة التي تقدمها المنصة بدمج شرائح العرض القابلة للتصفح مع الفيديو لتمكن المستخدم من مشاهدة مقطع الفيديو المرتبط بالشريحة و التحكم في مدة و كيفية العرض. يذكر ان ...

The Importance of Video Presentations

Video presentations  present a unique opportunity for educators deliberating where and how to invest their limited resources to support strategic academic priorities. Given its documented contributions to student learning and satisfaction, the move to use video presentations is becoming commonplace. Instructors are using video presentations to: • Support comprehensive plans to improve graduation rates • Offer remote learning during emergencies and campus closures • Recruit and retain top talent • Drive distance learning programs Adapted from: Echo360 Final Report 2014

Why PresentationTube?

Many barriers are facing the selection and development of quality e-content in the Arab region. Many of these barriers could be avoided through rapid e-learning development networks that easily encourage teachers to produce and share quality e-content themselves. PresentationTube network highlights the importance of considering the potential possibilities that online videos present when deciding how to support recent e-learning communities in the Arab region. PresentationTube project offers a video presentation recorder and video sahring platform to encourage school and university teachers in the Arab region produce and sahre quality video presentations in an easy-to-use and innovative way. The recorder automates the process and ensures that teachers only need minimal technical knowledge and spend no additional time creating materials. It allows teachers to synchronize a variety of visual aids, including presenter’s audio and video footage, PowerPoint slides, text, drawings, and w...

Free YouTube API Uploading & Streaming is Amazing.

Typically, an educational institute stores the videos on local servers and students can connect to have them streamed to their browsers whenever they want. It is also possible to use a free or paid video streaming network, such as YouTube, Vimeo, WISTIA, Ustream, or DailyMotion to host and stream videos for students to use at any time. Unlike free video streaming services, like YouTube, paid video streaming services provide very professional and sophisticated hosting and streaming solutions, particularly for business and large companies. Usually, these services charge users per video file size and streaming bandwidth which is very costly for schools, universities, or non-profit purposes. We at PresentationTube [ ] spent a long time hosting and streaming our videos using a paid service. Actually we enjoyed the service; very kind and useful support. But after we spent thousands of dollars per user view, we moved to YouTube, the king of free video hosting...

PowerPoint Presentations in the Classroom

Presentation tools are increasing in popularity and providing powerful tools for creation of instructional materials and accessible information in audio-visual formats. When used appropriately, these tools can support and extend traditional presentations in valuable ways. In lecture settings, MS PowerPoint, for example, has become the dominant presentation tool because it is both readily available and easy-to-use by instructors (Grabe & Grabe 2007). It allows instructors to create and manipulate presentations in a wide variety of contexts that can enhance student’s interest and engagement (Mills & Roblyer, 2006). Presentation tools help instructors clearly identify the main points of a topic or activity while still providing the details through presentation (Loisel & Galer, 2004). Instructors can incorporate multiple types of media formats (e.g., diagram, photo, drawing, sound, animation, video, etc.) that cannot be easily integrated together into one single medium. Lear...

تسجيل و مشاركة عروض الفيديو باستخدام برزنتيشن تيوب

لماذا عروض الفيديو التقديمية؟ تطورت برامج العروض التقديمية في السنوات الأخيرة و إزدادت شهرتها و أهميتها و خاصة مع الاحتياج المتنامي إلي إنتاج و تطوير و استخدام محتوى إلكتروني مدعوم بالوسائط المتعددة المسموعة و المرئية. هذه البرامج و الأدوات إذا ما أحسن استغلالها يمكن أن تساعد بشكل كبير في انتاج عروض فعالة و شيقة للمستخدمين. فبرنامج ميكروسوفت بوربيونت، علي سبيل المثال، هو واحد من أشهر هذه الأدوات و الذي يستخدم علي نطاق واسع من قبل مقدمي العروض في شتى المجالات. فهو سهل الاستخدام، و يساعد المعلمين و مقدمي العروض علي إنشاء عروضهم التي تناسب العديد من المواقف و تجذب أنتباه الحضور. كما تساعد مقدم العرض علي تحديد النقاط الرئيسية في عرضه بسهولة و التقدم خطوة بخطوة نحو تقديم التفصيلات أثناء عملية العرض، و الذي يتكون من بيئة رسومسة تفاعلية جذابة تدمج النص و الصورة و الرسوم التوضيحية و البيانية وملفات الفيديو، و التي قلما يمكن جمعها و دمجها في مكان واحد كما في عروض البوربوينت. و لكي تستخدم برامج العروض التقديمية بنجاح، لابد لمقدم العرض أن يوجه الحضور خلال عملية عرض الشرائح، وأن يحافظ علي...