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Showing posts from 2006

Summer Trip

My son Abdlrahman, 4.5 years old, in atrip to Nizwa, at which many natural and mineral water channels. 

Attending IODL2006 Symposium in Turkey

I visited Turkey last week to present and attend the 2nd International Open & Distance Learning Symposium 2006, Anadolu University. It was a wonderful trip.
Just arrived to Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman. The Public Relations Department arranged to us a nice trip to Nizwa, an old and historical city with wondrful castles and houses. As you see, colleagues and their children from around the world enjoyed that day.

We will miss you Prof. Mousa

Tens of faculty members and their families at South Valley University gathered last Monday to say good-bye to the president of the University who spent around seven years working hard since establishing the University. Prof. Mousa will leave the campus by the end of this month going back to the Faculty of Medicine at Sohag University. Really will miss you but will never forget you. The president's successor is Prof. Abbas Mansour.  

Educational Technology Lab

Student teachers at Educational Technology Lab, Faculty of Education, South Valley University are in a practical test this week. Many models of optical projectors are used to train future teachers how to use technology in classroom teaching. 

Sleeping Train

I was with my family in our trip from Qena to Cairo last week. Using the night-sleeper train the journey takes nine hours in a comfortable beds, particularly for tourists and those who have children. 

At Alsindibad amusement park

At the first day in Cairo I took my kids to a famous amusement park called Alsinddibad. Too many shows and games are available for boths children and their parents. It was a very nice day.  

Abdelrahman in Cairo

I and my family have been in an open trip in Cairo. As shown in the photo, my son, Abdelrahman, in the City Centre explore shops and other places. 

Graded houses

I have been on my way to Edfu when I took this photo. Look at these graded hosues over the mountain, looks very amazing in three levels.  

Happy Birthday Gran

My kids and their cousins are grouped to take this photo with their grandmother, my mother-in-low, and to tell her Happy Birthday Gran.

Good tourism

At my village Waborat Elmataana during the last weekend. As you see in the background too many tourists cruising on the Nile between Luxor and Aswan, which is normal at this spring time of the year. This photo was taken by my son Abdelrahman (4 years old), who appers in yestrday's blog.  

At the Nile in Elmataana

I and my son Abdelrahman (4 years old) spent two days at our village Elmataana, Esna City, last weekend. The weather was very nice and Nile was full of tourists from around the world crossing the Nile in a tour between Lyxor and Aswan.  

Quality Assurance and Accreditation Team Meeting

Yesterday Tuesday I have been in a meeting in Sohag with Prof. Mousa, the president of South Valley University, and the quality assurance and accreditation team. Many important issues have been discussed and highlighted to develop the University QA plan and encourage faculty members to meet the university standards and develop their own plans. For more info, please visit the University web site at 

Bad day

I was in Sohag City (450 km to the south of Cairo) yesterday and as you see they reconstructing their station and main roads. I and my family went there because my daughter Menna (one year old) has a minor problem in her eye (Lacrimal system). Believe or not we went to the doctor according to an appointment from the beginning of the week and took the train for 3 hours but he left his surgery without seeing her to catch the train. We returned back to our city Qena by the train. This journey took more than 8 hours. My children suffered too much. 

Internet Explorer 7 released

Microsoft took the wraps off Internet Explorer 7 Tuesday, releasing the new "preview" version of its Web browser to the general public for testing. The program, still a work in progress, is available for download from the Internet Explorer section of Microsoft's corporate Web site, the company said. The company, which began limited testing in July, had promised to deliver a public beta by the end of March . [From ZDNet] 

Muhammad: Peace be upon him

A Danish newspaper today issued an apology to the world's Muslims for publishing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad that sparked a furor in the Islamic world. The drawings "were not in violation of Danish law but have undoubtedly offended many Muslims, which we would like to apologize for," the Jyllands-Posten's editor-in-chief Carsten Juste said in a statement posted on the paper's Web site.

Over the clouds فوق السحاب

I took this photo in December 2005 on my way from Oman to Egypt via Kuwait Airport. It looks as an ocean of clouds. Sobhan Allah.

Stay clam please

My brother Magdi (29 years) carries my daughter Menna. From left to right: Hatim (5 years), Menna (1 year), Abdelrahman (4) years and Omar(3.5 years). Hatim & Omar are my brother's (Ashraf) kids. This photo was taken at the family house in Elmataana, Esna, Qena in January 2006. Magdi still single and has no kids.

My new article on computer attitudes

Factors Influencing Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Personal Use and School Use of Computers: New Evidence From a Developing Nation This study reports on the Arabization and empirical evaluation of two standard scales to assess Egyptian teachers’ attitudes toward personal use and school use of computers. To date, no similar instruments have been translated and empirically evaluated in an Arabic-speaking community. Data provided by a sample of 443 teachers support the reliability and validity of the two Arabic versions and the body of the research evidence, which suggests that computer attitude is multidimensional. The relationship between gender, years of teaching experience, computer use, computer experience, and computer attitudes is also examined. Implications for preservice and in-service teacher preparation in Egypt are provided.

Around Qena on the Nile

A Nile tour in Qena in a sunny day. At the top of the photo you find Dandra Bridge (Picture taken January 2006).  

Pumpkin قرع عسلي

My son Abdelrahman carries a pumpkin in the kitchen. I am sure it will be very delicious (Picture taken January 2006).

My son in Luxor

My son Abdelrahman was in a trip to Luxor, the most famous city in Egypt, located 50 km to the south of our city Qena (Picture taken January 2006).
During the last weekend I have been at my village (Almataana-Esna, Qena, Egypt) visiting my mother and brothers. The weather was so beautful and warm. You see in this photo date palms (Picture taken January 2006)

Eid Alfetr (Islamic festival) in Oman

Omani people look very smart in their formal Omani dress. Usually adults only dress this form, but those children were very happy to dress like their fathers (Picture taken November 2005).  

The last day at SQU

I have enjoyd my trip to Sultanate of Oman. I have been there for four months as a visiting consultant at Department of Instructional & Learning Technology, College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University. This picture at the background comes from Omani traditions and provided by a student in College of Arts and located at the Administration Building (Picture taken December 2005)

My daughter 'Menna, one year old'

She prepared herself to visit her grandmother.